Battlefront 2 Woes - GameZilla Podcast ep177


Battlefront 2

This week our hopes and dreams of Battlefront 2 are crushed! Pair this with the decisions that were made by Bungie and Capcom and you get the perfect receipt for disaster or an amazing show.


Shovel Knight is coming to Xbox One and he's bringing the Battletoads along for the ride! Visit all of our channels: Features & Reviews - Gameplay & Guides - Trailers - Mobile Gaming - Like - Follow - Stream Live - ©2016 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. "Gran Turismo" and "Gran Turismo The Real Driving Simulator" are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. "Polyphony Digital" logo is a registered trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Manufacturers, cars, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners.

Gran Turismo Sport Demo Out Next Week, Saves Will Transfer to Full Game


Larry Hryb, Xbox Live's Major Nelson walks through the just announced Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition, available now for pre-order.


God Eater 3 Trailer | 2018 PS4, Xbox One, PC Game Kanal Abo: Release: Spring 2018


FEAR EFFECT CAMPAIGN IS LIVE! Do you remember that feeling? Fear Effect is back. Hana, Rain, Glas, Deke and Axel, a newcomer, are coming for you. Let them live again. Let them kill again. A game by Sushee with permission from Square Enix Collective.


Destiny 2: Iron Banner, Prestige Raids and New Armour Sets Announced Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition is coming to all our warriors around the world on January 16, 2018! Arcade Mode, Extra Battle Mode, a second V-Trigger for each character, Gallery, and a redesigned UI are among the features being added to the game.


The Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta is nearly here. See what's included and prepare to experience three eras of Star Wars battles. Subscribe for upcoming Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II video's: Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II will be available on PlayStation 4 Release Date: November 17, 2017 2


2017 World Championship Group Stage Day 1 #Worlds2017 SK telecom T1 vs. Cloud9 SK telecom T1 Lineup: Huni - Top Maokai Peanut - Jungle Jarvan IV Faker - Mid Cassiopeia Bang - ADC Kog'Maw Wolf - Support Janna Cloud9 Lineup: Impact - Top Nautilus Contractz - Jungle Rek'Sai Jensen - Mid Ryze Sneaky - ADC Tristana Smoothie - Support Lulu Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.

2017 World Championship Group Stage Day 2 #Worlds2017 ahq e-Sports Club vs. Cloud9 ahq e-Sports Club Lineup: Ziv - Top Maokai Mountain - Jungle Jarvan IV Westdoor - Mid Cassiopeia AN - ADC Kog'Maw Albis - Support Lulu Cloud9 Lineup: Impact - Top Nautilus Contractz - Jungle Ezreal Jensen - Mid Ryze Sneaky - ADC Xayah Smoothie - Support Janna Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.

2017 World Championship Group Stage Day 3 #Worlds2017 Cloud9 vs. Edward Gaming Cloud9 Lineup: Impact - Top Shen Contractz - Jungle Graves Jensen - Mid Syndra Sneaky - ADC Xayah Smoothie - Support Lulu Edward Gaming Lineup: Mouse - Top Cho'Gath Clearlove7 - Jungle Jarvan IV Scout - Mid Lucian iBoy - ADC Varus Meiko - Support Rakan Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.


2017 World Championship Group Stage Day 1 #Worlds2017 Longzhu Gaming vs. Immortals Longzhu Gaming Lineup: Khan - Top Jarvan IV Cuzz - Jungle Kha'Zix Bdd - Mid Taliyah Pray - ADC Tristana GorillA - Support Karma Immortals Lineup: Flame - Top Maokai Xmithie - Jungle Ezreal Pobelter - Mid Ryze Cody Sun - ADC Varus Olleh - Support Morgana Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.

2017 World Championship Group Stage Day 2 #Worlds2017 Immortals vs. Fnatic Immortals Lineup: Flame - Top Jayce Xmithie - Jungle Gragas Pobelter - Mid Taliyah Cody Sun - ADC Kog'Maw Olleh - Support Janna Fnatic Lineup: sOAZ - Top Cho'Gath Broxah - Jungle Lee Sin Caps - Mid Ryze Rekkles - ADC Twitch Jesiz - Support Lulu Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.

2017 World Championship Group Stage Day 4 #Worlds2017 GIGABYTE Marines vs. Immortals GIGABYTE Marines Lineup: Archie - Top Cho'Gath Levi - Jungle Kayn Optimus - Mid Ryze Noway - ADC Kog'Maw Nevan - Support Lulu Immortals Lineup: Flame - Top Shen Xmithie - Jungle Gragas Pobelter - Mid Syndra Cody Sun - ADC Xayah Olleh - Support Rakan Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.


2017 World Championship Group Stage Day 2 #Worlds2017 Flash Wolves vs. Team Solo Mid MMD - Top Cho'Gath Karsa - Jungle Sejuani Maple - Mid Corki Betty - ADC Varus SwordarT - Support Taric TSM Lineup: Hauntzer - Top Gnar Svenskeren - Jungle Gragas Bjergsen - Mid Syndra Doublelift - ADC Tristana Biofrost - Support Lulu Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.

2017 World Championship Group Stage Day 3 #Worlds2017 TSM vs. Team WE TSM Lineup: Hauntzer - Top Cho'Gath Svenskeren - Jungle Gragas Bjergsen - Mid Corki Doublelift - ADC Tristana Biofrost - Support Rakan Team WE Lineup: 957 - Top Shen Condi - Jungle Sejuani xiye - Mid Syndra Mystic - ADC Xayah Ben - Support Taric Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.

2017 World Championship Group Stage Day 4 #Worlds2017 Misfits Gaming vs. TSM Misfits Gaming Lineup: Alphari - Top Shen Maxlore - Jungle Gragas PowerOfEvil - Mid LeBlanc Hans Sama - ADC Xayah IgNar - Support Janna TSM Lineup: Hauntzer - Top Renekton Svenskeren - Jungle Sejuani Bjergsen - Mid Syndra Doublelift - ADC Kog'Maw Biofrost - Support Nami Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.