New Xbox Elite Controller Possibly Releasing in October?

The rumors have been swirling since before E3 this year, but we might have a very good lead on when the next Xbox Elite controller is releasing. The Verge Senior Editor Tom Warren tweeted yesterday that a new $149 Xbox controller codenamed "Washburn" is due out in October.


To be fair, Warren never calls this new controller "Elite," but with the dwindling stock of the current Elite controller, and the rumors that have been floating around for months, and a matching $149.99 price point to the existing Elite controller, all signs are pointing to a second generation Elite controller. 


My prediction is we will see the new Elite controller at Gamescom this August with a release date of October. Earlier this year when the rumors first started, we heard about several improvements for the second gen Elite controller, like USB-C port, built-in rechargeable battery, longer button travel for paddles, three levels of trigger locks, three levels for profiles, new interchangeable thumb sticks with a locking mechanism, and Bluetooth. 

I love my Gears of War Elite controller and will definitely be picking up the new one. If these improvements are true, will you be picking up a new Xbox Elite controller?

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