NA LCS Summer Week Seven Recap


On Cloud 9

A review of week Seven of the NA LCS summer split 

By: John Jaskot


Game of the Week

   Both of these teams are in a state of trying to find themselves again, but in very different ways. Echo Fox is a team that has been on the brink of being in first place ever since the split started. They continue to change up their play style to try and find that edge into the top. Where as TSM, is a team that has been struggling all season long. They have not given into the meta changes and have been trying to power through with their team experience alone. These teams have been known for having very dominate play styles and both currently have superstars that can win them games. 

   What made this game so impactful was that it was the closest game, from start to finish, that we have seen this split. Normally, one team takes a lead over the other and the team that is behind either makes a major comeback or gets smashed. This game did not see this type of shift. If one team took a tower the other team seemed to take one back shortly after. If someone picked up a dragon the other team would make a move in a different area of the map to negate that advantage. These are all things that are normally overshadowed by the most important thing in a game of League of Legends.... a gold advantage! Neither team in this game had a gold lead over the other more then 3K gold. That is unheard of! 3K gold in a game of league is chump change. In order to win the game someone had to make a move, and that is exactly what happened. One team rushed down mid lane while the other rushed the bottom lane. So which team's call won them the game? You will just have to watch to find out. :) 

VOD of Echo Fox vs. TSM NA LCS Summer Split Week 7 2018 #NALCS Echo Fox Lineup: Huni - Top Gnar Dardoch - Jungle Nocturne Damonte - Mid Syndra Lost - Bot Varus Smoothie - Support Morgana TSM Lineup: Hauntzer - Top Cho'Gath Grig - Jungle Kindred Bjergsen - Mid Zoe Zven - Bot Lucian Mithy - Support Alistar Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: NA LCS, EU LCS, LCK Champions Korea, LPL.


Most Valuable Player of the Week


The MVP pick of the week is Lost of team Echo Fox. Who is this guy?  Lost started his career back in 2013 in the Oceanic Challenger Series under the gamer tag Zero. From there, he took a 2 year break and not rejoin the game of League of Legends until 2016. Winning the Oceanic Challenger Series in 2016 his team was given a spot in the Oceanic Pro League. When his team was traded due to OPL regulations he changed his gamer tag from Zero to Lost. Lost continued to fight in the OPL until 2018 when he was offered a chance to play for Echo Fox Academy in the North American League Championship Series. As Echo Fox continued to struggle in the carry position, Lost continued to thrive at academy. In week 6 of the summer split Lost got the call to play in the pro league. He has been nothing short of amazing for team Echo Fox since that call.     

  • Game 1: Defeated Counter Logic Gaming. Played Xayah. Score line: 12/3/3 with a CS score of 336
  • Game 2: Defeated Team Solomid. Played Varus. Score line: 3/1/8 with a CS score of 401

   Lost smashed through Counter Logic Gaming. He even went Godlike at one point in the game which is when you have killed 7+ players of the enemy team without dying. Needless to say he was a major reason why Echo Fox took this win easily. 

   In the game against TSM while he never reached godlike status he keep up with his counterpart, Zven, in kills and Creep Score. Late in the game Echo Fox was caught out of position by the baron pit and TSM made the call to rush down mid lane. Lost recalled back with his team to try and defend their base as Huni, Echo Fox's top lane player, pushed into the TSM base through the bottom lane. Lost assisted his team in taking down two of the TSM players just outside of his own base and immediately made the call to teleport into the TSM base and assist Huni in taking down the nexus. 




Schedule This Weekend  ( Aug 11th - Aug 12th )

Saturday                                            Sunday

This Weekends Game to Watch

Both of these teams are sitting in a 3 way tie for last place. With only 4 more games left in the summer split, every game counts! This game in particular need to be played on both sides as if its their last chance to make the post season. Who will make the push?