How To Improve Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VI is one of the greatest role playing games of all time and is perhaps the best Final Fantasy of all time. Over the years my favorite genre has become RPGs, and despite the fact that some games can have some poor voice acting, I think that I've stumbled upon the best way to improve your experience with playing them.


Years ago, I was looking for something to do to jazz up a play through I was doing of my favorite game of all time: Earthbound. I had tried most of the challenges that fans had come up with, but I wanted to do something different, and decided that I would voice every piece of dialogue and narration aloud. What started as a silly diversion, became one of my favorite things to do in a video game. Even if some of the voices I made up were a bit awkward or obnoxious, it was still a blast, and I even made sure to get my friends involved with the fun.


As time went by, and I needed to figure out a way to bring content to the GameZilla Media YouTube page, it dawned on me that I loved playing RPGs and using different voices for the narration, so why not make longplay videos? From most other people's longplays, I noticed they tended to rush through the plot, so I wanted to make something that emphasized the story, and even gave each character their own distinct voice. In the video below, you'll see an embedded video which links to a playlist for each video of my Final Fantasy VI longplay that I did. I hope you enjoy watching them even a fraction of how much I did when I recorded them!
